FieldLink and RTS Layout Training
Training Agenda
Day 1 Agenda
8:00 – 8:10 Intros and Expectations
8:10 – 10:00 Presentation, Parts, Pieces
- Presentation (Equipment Introduction, Care & Maintenance, Station Fundamentals, Creating a proper setup)
- Pole, Pole Attachments, Batteries and Misc. Parts
- DWG vs. PDF: Major differences, & differences between Raster & Vectored PDF.
- How to transfer points and background files via Trimble Connect, usb or other methods.
- Who Provides Job Control (GC, Survey or Customer must make their own)
10:00 – 10:15 Break
10:15 – 12:00 FieldLink Application
- More Tab (Map, Jobs, Reports, Trimble Connect, About, Minimize & Exit)
- Create a Project (Demonstrate how to navigate the Projects button, properly load points file, and background file.)
- Importing Revised/ New Data
- Project folder location in the file explorer
- Create Tab (Plan, Linework, Point Manager, From Model, Grid, & Pattern)
- Demonstrate the use of the measuring tools.
- Student Exercise
- Explain Menus and Navigation Tools in TFL
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:15 RTS Setup (Tripod, RTS, Leveling, Drawing, Control Points, Layout)
- Setup and Level RTS
- Tie into Control Points
- Student Exercise
- Setup & Level RTS
- Tie into Control Points
2:15 – 2:30 Break
2:15 – 3:00 Point Layout and Point Collection
- Layout Points using Rod.
- Layout Point using Laser.
- Collect Points
- Collect Lines
- Collect Circles
- Student Exercise
- Layout and Collect Points
3:00 to 4:00 Open Session for Questions or Topics that were discussed in Day 1 Training
Day 2 Agenda
8:00 Start time and Recap of Day 1
File Setup and point Creation Quiz
10:00 – 10:15 Break
Set up of the Robot and Point Layout with Prizm
- Student Exercise
- Set up using Control Points
- Collect Data Using Prizm and Laser (if applicable)
- Set up New Control Points.
- Breakdown and set up using new Control Points.
- Reference Elevations (horizontal and vertical)
- Transferring Points from Floor to Ceiling Using Laser (if Applicable)
- Student Exercise:
- Demonstrate Reference Elevations (horizontal and vertical)
- Demonstrate how to Laser Layout (if Applicable)
- Demonstrate how to Transfer Points from Floor to Ceiling Using Laser (if Applicable)
Reports and Exports
- Daily Layout Report, Layout Deviation Reports and Field Reports (if Applicable)
- Exports (.csv, .dwg) to USB and Trimble Connect
- Student Exercise:
- Create Daily Layout Report, Layout Deviations Report and Field Report
- Demonstrate how to export files using USB and Trimble Connect
Tools Menu
- Tools Menu (Plum, Measure, Transfer)
- Student Exercise:
- Check Plum of Wall/ Column
- Check and Measure object.
- Transfer Benchmark
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
Review / Open Session
- Recreate Same set up from the Morning.
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 3:30 Up and Coming / Other Technology (Slide Show)
- Ri, Scanner (X7/X9), SitePrint, Virtual Trainings, Trainings.
3:30 to 4:00 – Open Session for Questions, and Review